Mu Phi friends!

“No tears!” That was the request for this final president’s message. We have a new slate of officers, and we are thrilled. Why weep? Tears of joy, that Claudia Jameson has agreed to lead Dallas Alumni for two years—it’s her first go at president! Tears of gratitude, for all the service given to the Fraternity by so many. Tears of hope, as the concert series continues with new leadership from the Dallas Public Library, in the person of Andrew Anderson. Tears for a beautiful future, as we worked with Emily O’Brien, a University of North Texas collegiate to whom we gave the Mu Phi Epsilon scholarship in April.

On a more personal note, I must acknowledge that the success of the chapter is due to others, or at least to our core group who step forward, keep things in order, remind, cajole, urge—all the best verbs. In January, I wrote this: “I once heard a speaker who was leaving his position after many years. His explanation: he was in debt. I could not have been more startled. His real explanation: he was indebted to so many people whom he could never repay.” It was expressing gratitude for those of you who had supported the organization in the past years. I can now say, for myself, that I am deeply in your debt.

A musical moment to conclude: Last night on WRR I heard Borodin’s “Polovtsian Dances” from his opera Prince Igor. (Where did that “e” go—didn’t we used to say “Polovetsian Dances?”) I began to weep, a bit. Suddenly, I was transported to a concert hall in San Antonio listening to the All-State Orchestra perform it. The “General Dance” includes very dramatic bass drum work. As I sat there watching the drama, I was transfixed. Last night, I was reminded of all that has happened since that first hearing. My future husband was with us that night. I was soon to go off to college to study music in earnest (Texas Tech first, then the University of Texas next). But those few moments were magic.

So, no tears, and we will be together in the fall, God willing. And a sweet farewell from these six special singers


Mary Ann Taylor

A woman in a purple shirt smiles for the camera.

Polovtsian Dances -

Special Singers -

Many thanks to Mary Ann for being our President and cheer-leader for the past two years.


May: Recalling Our History

Date/Time: Monday, May 13, 7 pm
Location: Home of Kathryn Johnson
Hosts: Kathryn Johnson, Susan Poelchau

Program: Kathryn Johnson with give a presentation on Hildegard of Bingen

Our last meeting for this school year will be hosted by Kathie Johnson who will give us a presentation on the life and music of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). Hildegard was a German Benedictine abbess who was active as a writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary and medical writer and practitioner during the High Middle Ages.

Kathie gave a previous presentation at Northaven UMC that made the front page of the now-gone religion section of the DMN. Officers will be installed at this meeting.Our attendance will be rewarded with genuine Hildegard (German) cookies served up by Susan Poelchau.       

Be there!




March: Duos are Delightful!

The meeting started with the program: Pat Suitt and Margaret Mulvey-Claiborne performed - six excerpts from Billy the Kid, arranged for two pianos by Aaron Copland, with an introduction about the life and work of Copland. They had this work ready for a performance for another group, and we were beneficiaries of this delightful presentation. Thank you to Pat Suitt who also hosted the meeting at her house.

Billy the Kid is a 1938 ballet written by the American composer Aaron Copland on commission from Lincoln Kirstein. It was choreographed by Eugine Loring for Ballet Caravan. Along with Rodeo and Appalachian Spring, it is one of Copland's most popular and widely performed pieces.



April: Connnecting with Collegiates

The Saturday April 13 luncheon was held at Lakewood UMChurch as with Patron Mary Alice Rich as host. We thank her for this welcoming location.

President Mary Ann introduced our scholarship winner, Emily O’Brien, a junior clarinet major from UNT, who also plays piano, flute, sax and guitar.

A native of England, she has been in the US since 2010 and plans to get a Masters degree in the New York-New Jersey area. She has been president and historian of Phi Tau, and currently is performing in the pit for Les Miz at the Music Hall. Her fellow chapter members are busy today hosting an on-campus event for the students they have been tutoring virtually all year. She performed two movements of the Suite #1 for clarinet solo by Michelle Mangani.

Members brought an excellent lunch for all to enjoy - until the fire alarm rang and we exited to the patio to enjoy the spring day.



Scholarship Winner

Emily O'Brien is our winner this year for our SC2 collegiate scholarship. She is currently in her third year studying Clarinet Performance with Dr. Phillip Paglialonga at the University of North Texas. She has been a member of the Phi Tau chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon since the Spring 2022 semester, and has served her chapter as both president and historian. She was a music delegate at the international convention this summer and she enjoyed seeing so many Mu Phi members from across the country in one place. She plans to use the $500 award to attend a music seminar this summer.

Mary Ann Taylor, Emily O'Brien, Nancy Laine
Mary Ann Taylor, Emily O'Brien, Nancy Laine

New Officers

The following slate of officers for the year June 2024-June 2025 was presented to members at the last meeting and was accepted by acclamation.  Thanks to Nominating Committee members Tena Hehn, Nancy Laine and Ashley Bouras.

President: Claudia Jameson

Vice-President (Membership): Lisa Beyer

Secretary:  Susan Poelchau

Treasurer:  Nancy Laine

Chorister (Programs):  Ashley Bouras; with committee: Noe Garcia Jacinto, Tena Hehn and membership

Chaplain:  Fran Pearson

Steward:  Cherie Bell

Historian:  Mary Williams


Pilot Point Project

Phyllis Wilson reports that the music program her group started with Pilot Point children has concluded for the spring school year. They have added a program for young children (3-7) with good attendance. All together about 30 children have attended their after-school program. They also received some grant money from a local family who had lost a child. Though they have no plans for summer classes, they were able to provide some scholarships for children to go to summer camps. They had no word from the Mu Phi Foundation grant they applied for and will look more into that. They will resume their programming in fall. Phyllis says she misses being with us.


Future Meetings

Ashley Bouras will be setting up our meetings for our next school year. Help her out with your ideas for programs, volunteering homes or venues and performing. Get together with other Mu Phis – or other musicians – and think of a program you could give. We have three meetings in fall and five in spring. Don’t make her come after you – she is already too busy!

SERV Hours Due

Send your SERV hours to Mary Ann by May 15.

You can find this form on page 31 of your Yearbook, or on the website: and fill it out online.

Mary Ann needs your information for her final report to International. It does make a difference in how awards are given to chapters.

New District Director

David Jimenez will be taking over as DD of SC2. His website login email is: [email protected]. The email he actually uses is:  [email protected].


Member News

Akusoa Recital Flyer Spring2024

Cheri Bell has a correction to her phone number. Contact the webmaster for the correct one – [email protected].

Correction about SMU performance in last newsletter. Akosua Adwini-Poku appeared as La Zia Principessa in the shows on the 15th and 17th, with soprano Sarah Elise Navy in the title role. Also, the photo included in the newsletter is of Akosua’s colleagues Leela Barath (Principessa) and Avuya Ngcaweni (Sister Angelica), who were part of the cast on the 16th and 18th.

(These changes are on our website in the March Newsletter.) There was also a live stream of each show accessible on the Meadows School YouTube channel:

Akusoa gave her graduate recital at SMU in April.

Ganchola,Garcia-2024 NATS recital

Amy Canchola and Noe Garcia will present a recital at the NATS convention on July 1.


Evelyn Bouras made her stage debut in one of mom’s (Ashley Bouras)  plays – Willa Wonda. A star may be born – wait and see!


Basil Bouras’ Eclipse photo is the best ever! (shared with permission)





Mary Alice Rich reports:

A string trio featuring violinist Mary Alice Rich, cellist Gretchen Nicols and violist Jane Aten was invited to perform at the TEXAS WINDS MUSICAL OUTREACH fundraiser concert Sunday, April 28. The TWMO organization sends professional music ensembles out to perform for seniors, hospital patients, veterans, preschoolers and their teachers in the Dallas metroplex. The concert was performed at Lakewood United Methodist Church and was well-received by an audience of about 100 people. Donations are still coming in.




Mary Ann Taylor was involved in a tribute to Alexandra Comini, art history professor at SMU, sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Thanks-giving Square. It was held at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in April. There was a photographic exhibit of places of prayer and a concert honoring her life.


Debbie Brooks and her sister moved their mother to memory care in Abilene. Mom is doing well with the new meds. Debbie is getting her mom’s business accounts in order, becoming her guardian in April and making multiple trips to Abilene. We send Debbie and her mom best wishes.


Kimla Beasley also reports that her mom is finally settled in a place she likes; however, Kimla is still traveling back and forth to Beaumont trying to wrap up things with her house and manage her needs as well her own – but things have gotten much better now.


We welcome Andrew Anderson, head librarian in the Fine Arts section at the Central Library who will take over running our series starting in fall, keeping our name on it.

We have already had several past performers express a desire to perform. Yay!

Susan Poelchau would like to honor Andrew in the fall season. She proposed that we do a concert of Mu Phi composers at the Library to allow our Mu Phi member composers and performers to share and learn pieces, and include some of Andrew’s compositions as well.

If you are a composer who would like something performed, or would like to perform a piece by a Mu Phi composer, contact Susan. Concert schedule coming soon.

The Triangle wants an article from us about our Concert Series. Mary Ann Taylor is working on it.



Monday, May 13, 7 pm
Home of Kathie Johnson


Grants and Scholarships


This is a reminder that all applications for the Eleanor Hale Wilson Summer Scholarship are due by April 15 (midnight, CST). We will give out SIX total summer scholarships, so please consider applying today!

Questions? Please contact [email protected].

Good luck to all of our applicants!Dr. Danielle M. Kuntz
Scholarship and Grant Coordinator
Mu Phi Epsilon Foundation Board
[email protected]

See the Foundation website if you are interested.
