History of the Series

The Mu Phi Epsilon concert series sponsored by the Dallas Alumni Chapter has continued uninterrupted since 1937. Programs feature area, state, national, and international musical artists.

In 1977, the Dallas Alumni Chapter was selected by the Dallas Times Herald Woman’s Forum for a service award. This was named a “Beautification Award…not for what the eye beholds but for what the ear hears.” The award was an engraved copper plate and a check for $100.

Until 1982, the series was held in cooperation with the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts in Fair Park. Concerts were originally given in the museum sculpture court but were later moved into the museum auditorium.

In 1982, the Concert Series moved to the Central Dallas Public Library Auditorium. In 1983, Frances and John Stuart gave a seven-foot Steinway grand piano to the library in memory of their daughter, Betty Lynne Stuart. The Dallas Alumni Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, the Library, and the citizens of Dallas deeply appreciate their generous gift.

Many alumni have given devoted service to the concert series, especially Cleo Furr and Frances Stuart, who each served as chairman of the Concert Series Committee for many years. In 1985, the International Executive Board of Mu Phi Epsilon awarded Frances the Orah Ashley Lamke Award for outstanding service to the Fraternity.

Edie Pfautsch served as chairman of the Concert Series Committee since 1992, and in 1999, the International Executive Board of Mu Phi Epsilon awarded her the Orah Ashley Lamke Award for outstanding service to the Fraternity.

Mary Williams has served on the Concert Series Committee for many years, contacting performers, sending publicity, printing programs, and assisting at the Library. She was awarded the Orah Ashley Lamke Award for outstanding service to the Fraternity in 2007. She continues to act as liaison with the Library and the MPE website for the series.

In 1999, the Concert Series was selected as the Outstanding Community Service award winner by the Professional Fraternity Association. The PFA awards committee “was impressed with the longevity and influence of the alumni chapter’s project within your community.” Edie Pfautsch, chairman of the series at the time, accepted the award on behalf of the Dallas Alumni Chapter at the PFA Convention in Oxford, Ohio.

Claudia Jameson served as Chairperson of the series in the seasons from 2000-2007.

Susan Poelchau has been the Chairperson from the fall of 2007 through the spring of 2019. She was awarded the Orah Ashley Lamke Award for outstanding service to the Fraternity in 2023.

Kimla Beasley served as Chairperson beginning summer of 2019 through spring 2024. She posted and managed the online concerts through the COVID years when the Library was closed, then closed on Sundays. Without her, our series would have ended right there.

Starting in fall of 2024 we welcomed Andrew Anderson, head librarian in the Fine Arts section at the Central Library who has offered to manage our concerts, keeping our name on the series. We are pleased to have a closer relationship witht the Library, anticipating a smooth transistion and better exposure to the music community and concert-goers. All performers who would like to perform, please contact Andrew at: [email protected]